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I am a literary critic and scholar of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century French and English literature. I received my PhD in Comparative Literature from UC  Berkeley, where I wrote a dissertation that received the 2018 Charles Bernheimer Prize for best dissertation from the American Comparative Literature Association. I have taught and held fellowships in the Society of Fellows at the University of Chicago and the Society for the Humanities at Cornell, and have also taught at Deep Springs College and the Prison University Project at San Quentin. I am now an assistant professor of English at SUNY Binghamton.

In my academic research, I’m interested in how experiences of gender and labor in early modern culture get stylized through particular literary genres and modes, including epic, georgic, and love lyric. In my public writing, whether implicitly or explicitly, I trace how forgotten early modern cultural preoccupations and literary habits persist today in how we think about women, work, the crisis in higher education, and the internet.

You can contact me at kkadue at binghamton dot edu.


I am represented by Allison Devereux at Trellis Literary Management.


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